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The Full Story


3 Team members
2 Week timeframe
Tools; Figma, Google Survey, Useberry, Adobe XD, Slack Google Drive and all other google suite applications

THE CHALLENGE: we were tasked with creating an app that showed the design and research process.

DISCIPLINES: Stakeholder Interviews, User Research (Interviews + Surveys) & Analysis, Persona Creation, User Experience Design (UI/UX), Interaction Design, Prototyping, In-person User Testing

MY ROLE: We were equal contributors for both the research and design processes. We conducted User Research to understand the shortcomings of current available products. From our insights, we designed and iterated on an iOS prototype.

User Research 

Durring our interviews and research we shought to understand

  • how and why users are interested in connecting with their community.

  • Identify their current frustrations and pain points with their daily tasks.

We conducted 6 User interviews focusing on; In what areas of their day-to-day are people looking for help, and to what extent do people want to be more involved with their neighbors?
As well as collecting 8 Responses from a Google Survey aimed to do the same.

Survey/ Interview Results

From our Interviews we found that a majority of people would be willing to accept help on a chore from a stranger but would not give help for safety reasons.

And our surveys revealed that:
63% Apartment Dwellers: Wanted the most help with pet care and cleaning.
37% House Dwellers: Wanted the most help with yardwork, cleaning, childcare, furniture assembly.


Neighborly - User Persona One.jpg
Neighborly - Persona Two.jpg

Persona Synthesis 

From our previous research we decided that it was appropriate to have two main personas: one that was a young appartment deller, and another that was a older house dweller. Due to the nature of our app having to do with community we came to the conclusion that it was unfair to not include both communites of house and appartment living.

Brainstorming/ Ideation 

Once we had completed our research, we then turned our attention to what we could implement in order to create “Neighborly” and the original set of ideas we came up with were;


  • ability to create a task or chore

  • reviews system of people

  • ability to filter by categories

  • smaller group communication

  • location based matchmaking

  • emergency contact

  • in-app incentive

  • and a system to ensure safety

Neighborly - Brainstorming.jpg
Neighborly - Feature Matrix.jpg

Limitations of Brainstorming 

Due to a limited amount of time given to us with this project we were forced to limit ourselves to what we could accomplish within the 2 weeks. We decided based off of a feature prioritization matrix and decided to focus on;


  • ability to create a task or chore

  • reviews system of people

  • smaller group communication

  • location based matchmaking

  • a system to ensure safety

First (and second) Iteration of User Flow

From our research we then focused on creating a design and user flow that would feel natural to a user and help lessen any confusion throughout the use of our product. 

then later on in the project we decided to rework our original user flow to include a updated and more streamlined safety reporting feature. 



Neighborly - User Flow 1.jpg

First Iteration 

Neighborly - User Flow 2.jpg

Second Iteration 

Screen Shot 2023-01-12 at 2.20.52 PM.png

Paper Prototypes

Click on Hyperlink to view Figma file

During this project we were novice designers so we thought that the best practice was to make 3 different paper prototypes then combining them with the best ideas form each. 

Digital Prototype/ Mid-fi

Because of time constraints we only were able to complete this project up to Mid-fi level. However we loved our final product and thought it was job well done given our limitations

Click on image to view Figma file 
Screen Shot 2023-01-10 at
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